An evening discussing the contemporary issue of the Global Economy

An interesting and thought-provoking presentation on ‘The Global Economy today’ was given on Wednesday 24th April, an evening that was well-attended by friends and members of Omilos.

The evening started with the Head of Omilos introducing the work and mission of Omilos, which is an approach towards learning how to live in balance each moment of our lives and be content as we develop our self-awareness and offer our best to others. Our consciousness is constantly expanding as we study and contemplate on issues such as the arts, history, literatura, poetry and all kinds of sciences.

It was within this spirit that this presentation on the Global Economy was delivered by Mr. Giannis Kasimatis, who is an economist, lecturer in Econometry, living and working in London for the last twenty years in investment banking.

During his presentation, he offered an in-depth analysis of the global, European and Greek financial crisis. His approach was direct and simplified, offering insights about financial fluctuations and more specifically the issue of financial debt in Greece, inviting as such interesting questions and discussion points from the audience. It was a number of those attending who participated in the debate, adding to the flow and richness of the discussion.

The concluding message of the presenter was an optimistic one, highlighting the fact that despite the numerous difficulties that such an economic crisis brings to our country, at the same time it is a unique motivating trigger to express our potential at multiple levels.

As the Head of the Society added, the financial crisis in Greece appears to be an awakening force for Greece to express its rich spirit and culture, as it has been throughout centuries.

Following the presentation, those attending had the opportunity to continue their discussions at our recently renovated and leafy yard, where a light buffet was also provided. The debates were so vibrant that the gathering continued till the late hours. There were numerous attendees that were interested in learning more about the Society’s work and congratulated its members about their dedicated action towards such a mission. Some were also pleasantly surprised to discover that such significant work is offered selflessly on a daily basis.

We would like to express our gratitude to Mr Giannis Kasimatis for honouring us with his presence and such an interesting presentation and we are looking forward to our next meeting!

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