Grup: “the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature: we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists”

On the evening of Monday January 20, melodies of classical music filled the air in Omilos.

This time, we traveled back to the Middle Ages where we began our historical flashback from the simple and monophonic Gregorian Chant. We followed its evolution, from the monks’ ideas to add a second melodic line, to the four-voice polyphony developed in the school of Notre Dame.

We saw the new form of music notation developed by Guido d’ Arezzo and the story of how he named the notes after the names we still use today. We also took a look at some of the instruments musicians used at the time.

În cele din urmă, we got a taste of the music heard outside the church’s walls from the wandering jugglers, the troubadour’s of southern France and the minnesingers of Germany.

Stay tuned, because our musical journey to the world of classical music continues…

Next destination: Renaissance!

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