Vrahatiにおける協会のセミナーへの招待, Korinthia 29/4 – 1/5 2011
このセミナーでの発表があるだろう “chorodromena”, 彼らは日常生活の中でどのように適用されるかだけでなく、その象徴的な動きの分析. A we learn to be conscious of our every movement we perform spiritual healing to ourselves, to others, to every situation around us.
The seminar is addressed to all who wish to attain self-awareness, to improve their lives and deepen into the meaning of Spiritual Healing through simple practices.
Date: 29/4-1/5-2011
Place: Alkyon Resort 5*, Vrahati, korinthia
Price with breakfast and one meal:
- twin room – 190€ per person
- single room – 230€ per person
(+30) 210 20 15 194 ή (+30) 6932 48 77 99