Среща с д-р Уилям West, Професор в Университета в Манчестър

During our journey to England for the Society’s participation in the 5th Annual Counselling Psychology Conference in Keele University, the person in charge of the Society along with the members who made the presentation in Keele University met with Dr William West, professor at the University of Manchester.

Dr West’s current research interests resides, among others, in integrating spirituality in councelling/psychology and he has written many books and articles on this field. In our meeting, that took place at his office in the University, the Society’s inner position was developed; that spirituality is a way of living and means to recognize the spiritual nature of everyone and everything; and the main principle of selfless service upon which the Society’s whole work and function is based on.

Dr West asked with great interest about the Society’s founder Dimitris Kakalidis and the Society’s activities in general. Various thoughts and introspective reflections were discussed for integrating spirituality with human science as well as ways of a possible collaboration between us on this field.

Dr West expressed his wish for a further communication between us and responded positively when we invited him to visit Greece as a guest of the Society.

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