微软协会工作的贡献 确认所提供的工作和帮助其通过各种活动,每天这么多人由OMILOS Eksipiretiton, 微软公司 进行捐赠软件具有极大的价值,并以全面的技术支持这个软件的使用和升级. 下面是引用我们已经收到了来自微软的信摘录: “恭喜接受微软的资助. 我们向您的组织如何帮助改变生活,改造社会工作感到自豪的是, 通过我们的微软无限潜力的努力, 我们可以帮你实现你的使命。” 我们表示感谢微软的慷慨捐款.这 相关文章the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature “The Quiltmaker’s Gift”, we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists“Experiences of a spiritual healer: All of the above contributed to make the work of spiritual healing known to the world and as a result many people from abroad are already seeking help from our Spiritual Healing Section” We organized interesting events 3A music CD was released with music and poetry of the Society’s Master orchestrated and performed by Mariza Antonopoulou: “The Golden Ratio φ, ΟΙ ΟΜΑΔΕΣ ΜΑΣ”We renewed our websites – Part 4: we published two new collections of poetry and three more titles are to be publishedtwo in Greek and one in English as the translation of our books continues – Part 3: Therefore