We invite you to our annual international summer seminar The Art of Spiritual Living”, at picturesque Korfos Korinthia in August 22-25 2013

Life is a pulse; it is rhythm, it is harmony; it is a magical current that overwhelms all, each and every moment; it is every thought, every emotion, every situation, coexisting in a magical balance; it is concepts and symbols, creation and revelation.

And when we acknowledge this truth, when we realize it and start to experience it, it brings along the miracle and true happiness within, in every moment and situation no matter how great or small, how important or meaningless it may seem.

This is the high Art of Life, as it is taught by Omilos Eksipiretiton, this is spirituality.

And this is what we invite you to live with us during our 11th seminar.


Груповите фасилитатори са лицата начело на общество, духовни лечители с 30 years of experience in the field of spirituality and its implementation in everyday life.

The seminar’s subject will be presented through discourses – analyses, various groups, experiential workshops and interactive exercises. But mainly, the participants will have the opportunity to experience spiritual living in action, surrounded by an atmosphere of warmth, balance and group spirit, while enjoying the beauty and peacefulness of the Greek sea and landscape.

The seminar’s program includes amongst else:

  • Медитативна Отдих

  • Въведение в Creative Медитация

  • Въведение в йога нидра

  • Въведение в основния духовно лечение и самолечение концепции и практики

  • "Chorodromena": Денс / движения, които балансират сили и енергии в нас и около нас

  • ‘Dromena’ (role-playing)

  • Въведение в самонаблюдение (body – emotions – thoughts)

  • Spirituality as a means of resilience for professionals in the field of health and education

  • Analysis of works of art (поезия, литература, филми, живопис) revealing their spiritual essence

This seminar is addressed to all who wish to improve aspects of their everyday life as well as their relationship with themselves and others and to promote their well-being through a non-dogmatic, synthetic and practical philosophy. It is ideal for anyone seeking knowledge of the self as well as mental health professionals, съветници, психолози, психотерапевти, възпитатели, social scientists, студенти.

Click here to fill in the booking form

For information and booking please contact us:

Tel: 0030 210 2015194,

Mobile: 07780514985 (Великобритания), 0030 6396104960 (GR)

Email: info@omilos-eksipiretiton.gr

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