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“or use the search form below: Λογοτεχνία Archive” Michael Kwaku Kesse Somuah dedicated to Omilos the award he won as the World Youth Empowered Poet from Ghana in Canada 3

किताब “Experiences of a spiritual healer”: A presentation through the eyes of two new spiritual healers – Part 3 Our third group concluded the presentation of the book “or use the search form below” by Mrs Kiki Keramida. In our last meeting we talked in detail about what spiritual healing...

किताब “or use the search form below”: Λογοτεχνία Archive 26/05/2014

किताब “or use the search form below”: Λογοτεχνία Archive 26/05/2014 Michael Kwaku Kesse Somuah dedicated to Omilos the award he won as the World Youth Empowered Poet from Ghana in Canada, Michael has met the work of Omilos and our literature group and he has.., How was ancient Greek drama born and how did it evolve. Follow us on a journey back in time to become familiar with the origins of the magical art of theatre on Monday.

Michael has met the work of Omilos and our literature group and he has..: “The Golden Ratio φ, फिबोनैकी अनुक्रम और उनके अनुप्रयोगों”

Michael has met the work of Omilos and our literature group and he has..: “The Golden Ratio φ, फिबोनैकी अनुक्रम और उनके अनुप्रयोगों” In our group on “The Golden Ration φ, the Fibonacci Sequence and their applications’’ we talked of the golden proportion, which is the number φ (Phi), the golden rectangle and also the golden spiral and saw how...