
The Golden Ratio φ, ΟΙ ΟΜΑΔΕΣ ΜΑΣ, 19-05-2014

The Golden Ratio φ, the Fibonacci Sequence and their applications Ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, taught that the essence of the universe was found in numbers. Ancient architects and artists used the golden ratio in their artworks. Nature uses the golden ratio to create forms. Abstract meanings like beauty and harmony...

“Ομάδες για μέλη, 然后,…” 古希腊戏剧的起源和演化 – 05/05/2014

“Ομάδες για μέλη, 然后,…” 古希腊戏剧的起源和演化 – 05/05/2014 the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature, we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists “All of the above contributed to make the work of spiritual healing known to the world and as a result many people from abroad are already seeking help from our Spiritual Healing Section” and the inner conflict of...