Our new “आध्यात्मिक हीलिंग” site Spiritual Healing is practiced and taught at Omilos Eksipiretiton since 1980 by experienced and trained spiritual healers who have been studying the realm of spiritual healing and spirituality for many years. The Spiritual Healing Section of Omilos has never stopped -not even for a day-...
सम्मेलनों में भागीदारी
“the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature: great composers of opera” – 03/02/2014
“the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature: great composers of opera” – 03/02/2014 सोमवार को 3 फरवरी 2014 we raise the opera curtain and listen to masterpieces of the operatic repertoire. Our libretto will be the story of opera itself with music by the greatest opera composers… …from Monteverdi to Mozart and...
“Experiences of a Spiritual Healer” – दो नई आध्यात्मिक चिकित्सकों की आँखों के माध्यम से प्रस्तुति
“Experiences of a Spiritual Healer” – presentation through the eyes of two new spiritual healers What can anyone possibly say about an experiential book? Or about a spiritual healer one has never met but only heard about? And yet… Inside the pages of the book an entire story comes to...
समूह: “the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature: we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists”
समूह: “The world of classical music: music in the Middle Ages” the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature 20, we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists. All of the above contributed to make the work of spiritual healing known to the world and as a result many people from abroad are already seeking help from our Spiritual Healing Section, We organized interesting events. A music CD was released with music and poetry of the Society’s Master orchestrated and performed by Mariza Antonopoulou.
Presentation on: “the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature: we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists”
Presentation on: “the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature: we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists” If we could travel back to the Middle Ages what kind of music would we hear? And where would we hear it? How did the transition from monophony to polyphony begin? And how did harmony evolve in western...