Woman: the ultimate expression of spiritual healing Today we are celebrating Woman’s Day. A lot has been written, a lot has been said and many speeches are given every day about this. Most of them conclude with a wish for true gender equality, for selfless and daily offering towards our...
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The work and teachings of Omilos got published in a practitioners’ journal in the UK
The work and teachings of Omilos got published in a practitioners’ journal in the UK Thresholds magazine summer issue ‘13 dedicated the special focus entry on an article describing the spiritual teaching of Omilos, including its presence in the UK up to date, through the presentations at conferences and the...
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Creative Meditation: revelation and realization
Creative Meditation: revelation and realization Meditation leads to even greater deepening into the self, to even greater self-knowledge. While meditating we begin to realise that the core of our strength is our own self which in reality is liberated from restrictions, fears and anxieties. The purpose of each meditation is...
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Meditation: ein Dialog mit sich Selbst
Meditation: ein Dialog mit sich Selbst Meditation ist eigentlich ein Dialog. In jedem Augenblick des Lebens ist der Mensch in einem meditativen Zustand, das heißt, er macht einen internen Frage- Antwortprozess. Er denkt, problematisiert, findet Antworten auf seine Fragen und handelt entsprechend seiner Entscheidungen. Er macht nämlich einen bewussten oder...
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What is meditation?
What is meditation? Meditation is Art. It is the art of union; union with the infinite possibilities that exist in us; with the other people; with all the things that we do daily; with life itself. Meditating means to release ourself from its bondage and move on to new fields through deepening...
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