Our group on Ancient Greek Theatre – Part 2: the Prime Period During our second meeting we got even deeper in discovering the greatness of the Ancient Greek Theatre and more specifically the ancient tragedy. We examined the significance of the theatre in ancient Athens as a sacred act that...
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Our cultural activity
“When poets talk, they weave life itself in the verse…”, 11-11-2013
“When poets talk, they weave life itself in the verse…”, 11-11-2013 The poet says: “but if the day is rainy, the light shines richer…“ How profound this verse of the poem “Because I found glory from within” by Aggelos Sikelianos, which we explored tonight, based on the analysis in the...
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The first meeting of our group “The World of Classical Music”
The first meeting of our group “The World of Classical Music” In an evening full of music, we discovered the journey through which the role of the conductor emerged. We discussed about the knowledge and skills he acquires and his central role in the function and performance of this ensemble....
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“Are we participants and co-creators of our world? Taking a glance into the new theories of Physics”
“Are we participants and co-creators of our world? Taking a glance into the new theories of Physics” Physics is the science which focuses on gaining understanding of the creation and function of our surrounding world. Its development during the centuries has provided answers to a lot of man’s questions but...
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“When the human spirit carves the buildings…” – Part 1
“When the human spirit carves the buildings…” – Part 1 At this first meeting, a big part of the ancient and historic non-western architecture was presented, starting from the sheltering structures of Neolithic times and continued with reference to characteristic architectural achievements of the Mediterranean civilizations, from the copper period...
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