
我们总是可以得到很好? 我们又如何做到这一点?
在研讨会上,我们组织在希腊的各个地方“精神治疗在我们的生活中”, 我们对所有这些问题的答案多.
通过各种活动和体验我们进入更深的意义灵性; 我们休息; 和我们放松.

研讨会和Vrahati的, Korinthia (六月 2010)

研讨会和Vrahati的, Korinthia (六月 2010) 第六届研讨会跑由OMILOS Eksipiretiton成功举行Vrahati的, 科林斯在六月18日至20日 2010. 本次研讨会的主要议题是“灵性: 对日常生活的一种不同的方法“,并通过各种途径开发; 研讨会的主要演示...

研讨会在LOUTRA Ipatis (一月 2010)

研讨会在LOUTRA Ipatis (一月 2010) the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature: we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists. 通过各种团体以及一首诗的分析和电影, ...

研讨会和Korfos的, Korinthia (五月 2009)

研讨会和Korfos的, Korinthia (五月 2009) The fourth in a row seminar run by Omilos on “Spirituality: a different approach towards everyday life” was successfully completed in Korfos, Korinthia on the 29th to 31st of May 2009.  The analysis of a text written by the Master, the analysis of Ilias...

Seminar in Lefkandi, Evia (February 2009)

Seminar in Lefkandi, Evia (February 2009) On the 20th to 22nd of February 2009, the third in a row seminar on “Spirituality: a different approach to everyday life” was successfully completed in Lefkandi, Evia. 通过此次研讨会期间发生的群体很明显,可以有...

研讨会在LOUTRA Ipatis (十一月 2008)

研讨会在LOUTRA Ipatis (十一月 2008) On the 21st to 23rd of November 2008, 另一个跑由OMILOS Eksipiretiton的研讨会,成功完成, this time in Loutra Ipatis. 在本次研讨会的主题为“灵性的背景下: we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists, 并通过各组发生,...