
Invitation to the Society’s seminar in Korfos, Korinthia 24-28/08/2011

Invitation to the Society’s seminar in Korfos, Korinthia 24-28/08/2011 In this 5-day seminar in picturesque Korfos, Corinth, as participants we will deepen into and experience the spiritual dimension within ourselves, our relationships with others and all aspects of our everyday life. You will be introduced to the Society’s teachings, a...
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Invitation to blood donation in the Society at 23/06/2011

Invitation to blood donation in the Society at 23/06/2011 Omilos Eksipiretiton (the Servers’ Society) in collaboration with Laiko Hospital of Athens holds regular blood donations 3 times a year. We are expecting you at the next blood donation which is going to take place on Thursday 23 June 2011 at...
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Synthesis of the teaching of Omilos Eksipiretiton and human sciences: presentations at a scientific conference in Keele University, England

Synthesis of the teaching of Omilos Eksipiretiton and human sciences: presentations at a scientific conference in Keele University, England The 5th Annual Counselling Psychology Conference is going to take place on 25th to 27th March 2011, by the Psychology Department of Keele University, England. The conference theme is, “Intimate Encounters:...
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