
Произхода и еволюцията на Античния театър Greek – 18/11/2013

“the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature” (we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists, след това…) – Произхода и еволюцията на Античния театър Greek – 18/11/2013 All of the above contributed to make the work of spiritual healing known to the world and as a result many people from abroad are already seeking help from our Spiritual Healing Section, We organized interesting events, A music CD was released with music and poetry of the Society’s Master orchestrated and performed by Mariza Antonopoulou, We renewed our websites. we published two new collections of poetry and three more titles are to be published.
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two in Greek and one in English as the translation of our books continues 21/11/2013

two in Greek and one in English as the translation of our books continues 21/11/2013 Omilos Eksipiretiton (Сървърите’ Общество) в сътрудничество с Laiko болница в Атина провежда редовни кръводарявания 3 пъти годишно. Therefore 21 We invite you to the Society’s event for celebrating the New Year which is going to take place on.
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 in the Society’s premises 11-11-13

 in the Society’s premises 23-09-13 Every poem is like a ‘jewel’ in the platform of Logos; when the poet is someone who tunes in, as if he is wearing it, the beauty of this world Dimitris Kakalidis is revealing the deeper truths in the poet’s work, through his analyses in...
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When spirituality emerges from within…

When spirituality emerges from within… Spirituality is our everyday life, the Society’s teaching travelled to international scientific conferences while members of the Society participated in world contests of poetry and literature, we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists. All of the above contributed to make the work of spiritual healing known to the world and as a result many people from abroad are already seeking help from our Spiritual Healing Section, We organized interesting events. A music CD was released with music and poetry of the Society’s Master orchestrated and performed by Mariza Antonopoulou 33...
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