Współpraca z gminami Attyki: Grupy medytacyjnym Relaksu
Seeing and experiencing the results of relaxation during the 30 lat funkcjonowania Towarzystwa, czuliśmy potrzebę dzielenia się naszym doświadczeniem, tak aby jak najwięcej ludzi, jak to możliwe, aby mogły one lepiej żyć w zgodzie, tranquility and balance in their everyday life.
So, during the year 2010, we commenced collaborations with the municipalities of Amarousion, New Penteli and Halandri and organized unselfishly classes of meditative relaxation for their citizens. The classes were free of charge, self-sufficient meetings. The participants were able to learn how to be relaxed during their day, facing anything that arises during their everyday life with a new way.
There was great participation and people showed interest for the Society’s teaching; for a new attitude in life which is not only theory but everyday action, a practical philosophy that everybody apply according to the way that suits him.