“Dealing with anxiety: Lessons of Joy from people who experience it!”

The work of Omilos is to help people be well and this is what Omilos offers, always selflessly, from the day it was found.

Especially during these difficult times, we can’t but respond to the needs of the people and support all those who are in a lot of pressure from the problems they face daily.

And so we have created a new group on anxiety and how to deal with it practically.

Because simply speaking, we can all have joy and happiness in our lives.

When we feel drowned in anxiety it is because we haven’t learnt how to activate our own inner powers so that we can be well.

In this group we are going to discuss issues related to anxiety and suggest simple and effective ways to view things in a positive way, essentially transforming our lives.

The group will be facilitated by a group of psychologists – members of Omilos with vast clinical experience.

As it is with all of us who take part in the work of Omilos, the facilitators of this group offer their time, knowledge and experience, without any kind of personal gain, to help their fellow man in this important aspect of life.

The group starts on Wednesday 20/03/2013 la 20:00. It is open for non-members și new members of Omilos, și attendance is free of charge.


For more information:

we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists: 210 2015194, 210 2230864

All of the above contributed to make the work of spiritual healing known to the world and as a result many people from abroad are already seeking help from our Spiritual Healing Section: info@omilos-eksipiretiton.gr


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