Seminar in Loutra Ipatis (Januari 2010)

The 5th seminar ran by Omilos Eksipiretiton was successfully held in Loutra Ipatis de 22nd to 24th January 2010. Het onderwerp was "Geestelijkheid: een andere benadering van het dagelijks leven".

Door middel van verschillende groepen, evenals de analyse van een gedicht en een film, the point was raised that man is the source of truth and light and that his nature is good. On the path towards realizing this, we need to consciously make positive thoughts and specific visualizations, since “these have immediate results to the world”, as it is mentioned in the Master’s, Dimitris Kakalidis, text that was analyzed during the seminar.


We would like to thank all the participants who attended the seminar as their warm response contributed to the seminar’s successful outcome.

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