Spiritual Healing
Each one of us is an integrated entity, whose nature is health and happiness!
Our body, our emotions and our thoughts are interrelated and affect one another. Thus, when we overcharge or neglect one of them, the normal flow of the energies and powers within us is disturbed, leading to physical and /or psychological illness.
Spiritual Healing balances these energies and powers within a human being. It releases the accumulated energy and enstrengthens the most enfeebled parts of the organism so that an equal flow comes to the body, to the emotions and to the thoughts.
The Spiritual Healer acknowledges the Entity, the spiritual nature, within everything: within his or her own self, within the patient and the illness and within the reasons that caused it working with an absolute interest in the patient’s health.
It is not about an alternative therapy, but about practicing a life stance through which every patient can be helped and healed.
Spiritual Healing is by no means against traditional medicine, neither does it intervene to its work in any way. The patients continue to receive consistently any treatment recommended or medical instructions given by their medical doctor.
In the Servers’ Society the Spiritual Healing’s Work continues steadily since 1980 in a daily basis, always selflessly and for anyone who might ask for it.
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