Spiritual Healing Section
Spiritual Healing Section of the Society has been active from 1980 and undertakes selflessly the performance of therapies to patients who ask for it.
- Therapy can take place either with the patient’s presence in the Server’s Society or at a distance, if the patient is not able to be present, without any difference at all in terms of its effectiveness.
- Healing includes discussion with the patient as well, when he or she wishes to do so and when it is possible.
The healers’ groups:
- Consist of the Society’s members who have expressed the will to participate in the work of Spiritual Healing.
- The healers work on a daily basis performing therapies, attending the spiritual healers’ training group, as well as the self-study group, becoming disciples in the acknowledgement and expression of the Entity that brings absolute healing.
The patients who ask for therapy from the healing section:
- Have absolutely no financial charge or any other obligation, nor is it necessary for them to be members of the Society.
- May ask for spiritual healing for any health problem they have, physical or emotional.
- Confidentiality is strictly applied regarding information on their health and on the course of their therapy.
A great number of patients have asked for the Spiritual Healing Section’s help until today and have been completely healed from physical illnesses they were afflicted with for years without being able to find a solution.
A great number of people have been relieved from psychological problems which have been resolved through Spiritual Healing. This way they were able to have harmonious relationships with their self, their family and their friends. They have also been able to deal with problems of everyday life and lead their life released from fears, insecurities, anxiety and emotional hardships.
A great number of people address daily to the spiritual healing section with new requests for help to which we respond.
Anyone who wishes to address to the Spiritual Healing Section should fill in the relevant application form and attach the medical history as well as a recent photograph.
You can fill in the application form in our premises or you can download it here and send it via fax to +30 210 2230864 and via e-mail to therapeia@omilos-eksipiretiton.gr.
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