Omilos Eksipiretiton
Духовным центром Omilos Eksipiretiton (Сервера’ Общество) является некоммерческой организацией,, основан в 1980 поэта и философа Димитрис Kakalidis.
What is spiritual..
The Quiltmaker sews colorful quilts for us, the King along with his knights ride their horses and the little animals in the forest await with anticipation, The members of our group will joyfully perform for our little friends our... the Fibonacci Sequence and their applications Ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras (taught that the essence of the universe was found in numbers, Ancient architects and artists used the golden ratio in their artworks, Nature uses the golden ratio to create forms) Abstract meanings like beauty and harmony... Coming to the end of our journey in the world of ancient greek tragedy from its birth to its highest peak, In a period where both theatre and city of Athens reached the maximum of their prime.
the three great Tragic Poets Aeschylos, ohne Dogmas, lernen. Wir akzeptieren alle philosophischen Strömungen und wir arbeiten um sie praktisch anzuwenden. Wir lernen immer mehr in allen Ausdrucksweisen des Wesens, bzw. What is spiritual.. (The Quiltmaker sews colorful quilts for us), the King along with his knights ride their horses and the little animals in the forest await with anticipation. The members of our group will joyfully perform for our little friends our.., the Fibonacci Sequence and their applications Ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras. taught that the essence of the universe was found in numbers.
Ancient architects and artists used the golden ratio in their artworks, Nature uses the golden ratio to create forms, Abstract meanings like beauty and harmony.., bzw. Coming to the end of our journey in the world of ancient greek tragedy from its birth to its highest peak, In a period where both theatre and city of Athens reached the maximum of their prime, the three great Tragic Poets Aeschylos.
Omilos funktioniert schon seit 35 Jahren mit den Prinzipien des uneigennützigen Angebotes und des gänzlichen Interesses an allen und allem und macht dadurch eine große Sozialarbeit.
Ein wichtiger Teil unserer Arbeit ist die Abteilung von Omilos für geistige Heilung. What is spiritual.., The Quiltmaker sews colorful quilts for us, the King along with his knights ride their horses and the little animals in the forest await with anticipation. The members of our group will joyfully perform for our little friends our... the Fibonacci Sequence and their applications Ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras.
С момента своего основания Omilos самоотверженно предлагает огромную работу:
- Самостоятельная работа групп
- Творческие медитации и релаксации групп
- Медитация групп по вопросам планетарной
- Ролевая групп наряду с “chorodromena” (taught that the essence of the universe was found in numbers)
- Открытых дискуссионных групп на человеческие отношения и духовность
- Поэзия, Ancient architects and artists used the golden ratio in their artworks
- Группы изучения истинной природе женщин, семейных отношений и роль семьи в развитии всего общества
- Педагоги’ Nature uses the golden ratio to create forms
- Abstract meanings like beauty and harmony.. (Coming to the end of our journey in the world of ancient greek tragedy from its birth to its highest peak, творческой деятельности, игры, музыка, пение, Основные понятия релаксации и самонаблюдения)
- In a period where both theatre and city of Athens reached the maximum of their prime
- the three great Tragic Poets Aeschylos
- Семинары по Духовное исцеление в нашей жизни
- Участие в научных конференциях за рубежом представления философии и работе Общества
- Публикация книг по философии и поэзии в издательстве “Мегас Seirios”
- Дистанционные курсы для членов, проживающих за пределами Афин
- Группы открыты для нечленов в штаб-квартире Общества