2II nagroda na Free ekspresji poetyckiej dla naszego poety Vasiliki Ergazaki
Poet Vasiliki Ergazaki, członek naszej grupy literackiej "w przepływie", was distinguished with the 2nd Prize on Free Poetic Expression in the 1st International Literary Contest of Pelasghia, Fthiotida with the poem “Warrior". Konkurs pod tytułem "Achilles, the Homeric hero”, was organized by the Cultural Association of Pelasghia and the literary magazine “Celaeno” in collaboration with the high school of Pelasghia.
The award ceremony took place on Sunday, Sierpień 19, 2012, at the Cultural Center of Pelasghia in a room full of people of the Spirit who came from Greece, Cyprus and abroad to deliver or receive awards; to experience the beauty of the area; and to travel mentally to ancient Phthia and its history.
A wonderful event, starring the “Word” the one which stems from the Greek inexhaustible sources, the eternal Greek values.
The event was honored with the presence of local residents, poeci, pisarze, teachers and students, while the hall was adorned with paintings of the same theme by the painter Niki Vlachou.
The poem “Warrior” will be published in the magazine “Celaeno”.