Wir laden Sie zu unserem internationalen Sommerseminar vom 21.08.14 bis zum 24.08.14 Click here to Fill in the Booking Form Wir laden Sie zu unserem viertägigen jährlichen Sommerseminar zum schönen Korfos in Korinithia ein. Die Teilnehmenden werden dort die Chance haben, die Geistigkeit in der Praxis, innerhalb einer warmen Atmosphäre...
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Наши новости
“When poets speak they weave life into lyrics…” – 07/04/2014
“When poets speak they weave life into lyrics…” – 07/04/2014 From the plateau of poetry we enjoyed the view of a scenery with rivers of ideas and blooming words, as the hidden truths of the poem “From the plateau” by Mihalis Katsaros were being revealed. There was an enthusiastic participation...
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“Experiences of a spiritual healer: Presentation through the eyes of two new spiritual healers” – we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists 2
“Experiences of a spiritual healer: Presentation through the eyes of two new spiritual healers” – Part 2 In this second presentation of the book “we organized seminars with the participation of foreign scientists” we focused on the Spiritual Healer’s position, как учили в Omilos; that is, to be totally involved and express complete interest...
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“I wrote this poem in honor of my Omilos-family” – Майкл Кваке Kesse Somuah
“I wrote this poem just yesterday, in honor of my Omilos-family” – Michael Kwaku Kesse Somuah Poet Michael Kwaku Kesse Somuah from Ghana, member of our Literary Workshop, has met the work of Omilos and has travelled from Ghana especially to participate in our seminars and to visit Omilos. Just...
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“Black Holes in Space. The End or the Beginning?”
“Black Holes in Space. The End or the Beginning?” During our presentation on “Black Holes in Space” we examined how these space-time obscurities form and evolve. How can we detect them even though they are too far away from the Earth and not visible? Why scientists have long being fascinated...
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