We invite you to our annual international summer seminar
“Spiritual Healing: The Art of Spiritual Living”
in beautiful Korfos, Korinthia on July 5-8 2012.
Spirituality is a way of life. Simple, creative and substantial. It is not just an abstract notion, a philosophical concept or a situation for the few. It is happiness itself and harmony in action. It is what each one of us can conquer thus turning everyday life into a wonderful experience for us and people around us.
The seminar’s goal is for the participants to be introduced to the ways to achieve this, as taught in the Servers’ Society. The group facilitators are the persons at the head of the Society, spiritual healers with 30 years experience in the field of spirituality and its implementation in daily living.
Through presentations, theme analyses and group work participants will become familiar with the ways to achieve such an experience of spirituality. They will also have the opportunity to put them in immediate practice through experiential workshops and interactive exercises. Furthermore, during these 4 days they will have the opportunity to live in an atmosphere of warmth, balance and calmness, and experience spirituality in action. And all these in the ideal setting which the Greek landscape offers.
- Meditative Relaxation
- Introduction to Creative Meditation
- Introduction to Nidra Yoga
- Introduction to basic spiritual healing and self-healing concepts and practices
- ‘Chorodromena’: dance/movements that balance the forces and energies within and around us
- Introduction to Self-observation (body – emotion – mind – spirit focused)
- Spirituality as means for the therapist to develop resilience
- Analysis of art works (poetry, literature, films, painting) so that their spiritual essence emerges
This workshop is addressed to anyone who wishes to improve all aspects of their everyday life as well as their relationship with themselves and others and to promote their well-being. It is ideal for anyone seeking self-awareness and personal development. It will also be of particular interest to mental health professionals, counselors, psychologists, psychotherapists, educators and social scientists as well as students, care-providers or researchers in the field of healing, spirituality and well-being. The perspective acquired is non-religious and non-sectarian, but inclusive to people of all backgrounds.
For more information and to attend the seminar please contact us at:
tel. +302102015194
mobile: +306945777126, +306936104960
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