The Society’s event for the New Year 2013 Members and friends of the Society we will all gather together to celebrate the New Year on Wednesday 9 January at 20:00. In our beautiful premises, in a warm and inviting atmosphere children and adults we will all celebrate the passing of the...
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We organized interesting events 16/11/2012
We organized interesting events 16/11/2012 Omilos Eksipiretiton (les serveurs’ Société) en collaboration avec l'Hôpital Laiko d'Athènes détient les dons de sang réguliers 3 fois par an. We welcome you in taking part at our next blood donation session which is going to take place on Friday 16...
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Expression and creativity group for teenagers
Expression and creativity group for teenagers “I learn about myself, I express who I am and create within the group” We are starting a new group in acknowledgement of the need for young people to express themselves, their creativity and balance their emotions (especially in the difficult times we live)....
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Groupe “Un aperçu intérieure en musique”, le lundi 29/10/2012
Groupe “An inner insight into music”, le lundi 29/10/2012, 29 Octobre 2012, à 21:30-22:30, le groupe “An inner insight into music” aura lieu à la Société. This time we are going to approach the work of Carl Maria von Weber and the group is...
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Groupes ouverts à tous – Saison d'hiver 2012-13
Groups open to all Starting from 10 Septembre 2012, les groupes suivants auront lieu pendant la saison d'hiver 2012-13 à Omilos Eksipiretiton: Relaxation group every Monday 21:00-21:30. La relaxation est le début de la course vers la quête de notre Soi intérieur. Relaxation instantly brings calmness and a sense...
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