The Society’s event for the New Year 2013 Members and friends of the Society we will all gather together to celebrate the New Year on Wednesday 9 January at 20:00. In our beautiful premises, in a warm and inviting atmosphere children and adults we will all celebrate the passing of the...
Invitation to blood donation at the Society on 16/11/2012
Invitation to blood donation at the Society on 16/11/2012 OMILOS Eksipiretiton (“服务器”’ 社会) 与雅典Laiko医院合作,定期献血 3 时间一年. We welcome you in taking part at our next blood donation session which is going to take place on Friday 16...
Expression and creativity group for teenagers
Expression and creativity group for teenagers “I learn about myself, I express who I am and create within the group” We are starting a new group in acknowledgement of the need for young people to express themselves, their creativity and balance their emotions (especially in the difficult times we live)....
组 “音乐之内洞察”, 上周一 29/10/2012
Group “An inner insight into music”, 上周一 29/10/2012, 阅读更多
团体向所有人开放 – 冬季 2012-13
Groups open to all Starting from 10 九月 2012, 将采取以下组的冬季 2012-13 在OMILOS Eksipiretiton: Relaxation group every Monday 21:00-21:30. 放松是在课程开始向我们内心的自我追求. Relaxation instantly brings calmness and a sense...