When spirituality emerges from within…

Spirituality is our everyday life, it is reality, it is our very existence. Not only can we approach it, but we can also experience it and make it a way of life with simple ways. This is the truth that Omilos Eksipiretiton teaches for 33 years now.

We invite you to participate in:

  • Discussions on the concept of spirituality and its everyday practice

  • Chorodromena (ritual movements that balance the energies and forces in us and around us)

  • Geestelijke Genezing sessions

Over the last 3 jaren, the work of Omilos has been presented in a number of conference and meetings in the UK, attracting interest from people of a variety of personal and professional backgrounds. This has led us to start a self-study group in London in order for people to receive the teaching of Omilos more systematically.


For information and booking:

tel.: +44 7780514985, +30 2102015194, +30 6936104960

email: info@omilos-eksipiretiton.gr

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