Seminar in Vrahati, Korinthia (April 2011)

The 8th seminar of Omilos Eksipiretiton was successfully held on 29 April – 1 May 2011, in Vrahati, Korinthia. The seminar’s theme was “Spiritual Healing in our Life: Chorodromena – acting through dance”.

A text in regards to the body, written by the Master, was analysed in the seminar. It was highlighted that the body’s natural state is health and power, and that we can all reach this state if we simply consider our body to be “eternal and spiritual”, as the Master mentions in the text.

A presentation and analysis of chorodromena followed, as they are taught and performed only in Omilos. 

There was also a discussion on the ways in which chorodromena can help us but, mainly, the participants had the opportunity to perform chorodromena themselves and thus, experience the change that comes in the body, emotions, mind and one’s overall disposition in a very simple way. “I felt an overwhelming feeling of calmness and openness”, “It is magnificent”, are only a few of the participants’ comments.

In this seminar, apart from the daily meditative relaxations, the introduction to nidra yoga was presented for the first time, as taught by the Master of Omilos.  

Furthermore, there was a movie analysis as well as a painting interpretation. Through these analyses became clear that only when we acknowledge the body’s ontological nature can we set free of the restrictive ideas regarding the form, the needs and the difficulties of the body.

As in every seminar run by Omilos, the participants emphasized at the repose, peacefulness and serenity they feel as they are in a beautiful location in nature and experience the unity with others and the current of spirituality in everything they do.

We warmly thank all those who attended the seminar!

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